
He Accused His Wife Of Ruining Christmas Fun For Their Kids And He’s Telling The Internet She’s Acting Like He’s The One Who Ruined Everything


“My great aunt would literally just put all the stuff to decorate gingerbread houses on the table and say “go nuts” and me and all my cousins would make the most horrible looking gingerbread houses with way too much candy and it’s honestly one of my favorite holiday memories, if my aunt or mom was over my shoulder telling me 10 chocolate Santas couldn’t possibly all live in that one house I don’t think that memory would be so lasting.”


“We do gingerbread houses for all the holidays they make them for (Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, thanks Trader Joes!) and tbh I’ve struggled before, watching my girls decorate them in ways make would anyone who likes symmetry twitch a little.”

“But the fact is IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME! The whole point is for them to express their creativity and then get to destroy it by eating it piece by piece over the next couple of weeks, jeez.”


“My son had his own little tree in his room that was pre-lit. He was able to decorate it how he wanted and we went and he picked out ornaments he wanted and he even took a few from the family tree because he liked them.”

“He loved it and really enjoyed seeing it when he went to bed. Who cares if things aren’t perfect.”

“Perfection is a misnomer and unattainable so attempting it will only make you unhappy because you can never be perfect.”

“..Have a family meeting and everyone should have a chance to discuss how they feel and what they want so they can enjoy the holiday season.”


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