
He Accused His Wife Of Ruining Christmas Fun For Their Kids And He’s Telling The Internet She’s Acting Like He’s The One Who Ruined Everything

“She’s doing a great job of killing the Christmas spirit though.”


“I had a mom like this where aesthetics were more important than personal things or “fun” things.”

“Never hung up homemade ornaments, she even took down a family photo (our only family photo) to put up some art because it matched more.”

“I resent her for it, you should talk to your wife again and hopefully she’ll realize that she’s robbing her kids.”


“She is making it memorable alright- for all the wrong reasons. As you say they are five. The correct response for decorations made by kids at that age is to praise the effort.”

“And if it was really ugly then my Mum would then just discretely put it towards the back of our main tree.”

“If she wants an Instagram perfect Christmas then she needs to do it on her own.”

“Don’t yell at children for not making things ‘perfect’. Let them make their own mini versions where they get to do whatever they want and she can make the ‘family’ one that can go on insta/facbook/whatever for the oohs and likes”.

“I guarantee that the ones that you’ll look back on fondly are the unique ones with the ugly decoration made at school/kinder, not the generic matchy ‘it could be any tree in any house at any time’ look.”

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