
He Told His Girlfriend That Their Friends Don’t Like The Parties She Throws And He’s Asking The Internet If Maybe There Was A Better Way To Say This To Her After She Accused Him Of Ruining Her Night

“Right away she gets to serving them cocktails from our bar,” he said. “As she’s serving one of the guys, he jokingly says that everything is so nice that it’s making him uncomfortable.”

“My ears perk up at this because I know it’s true. And again, I can just feel it in the air. The burstiness is low. Everyone seems on edge. I believe that people aren’t comfortable.”

When the party was finished, he brought up to his girlfriend the comment that their guest had made, and then he continued to say he’s very worried that everyone is not having fun at their place.

His girlfriend was upset by that and told him that he ruined her whole night. He’s left wondering if there was a better way to break the news to her, but it’s been difficult for him to say it in other ways since she doesn’t want to hear it.

Here’s what the internet had to say.

“Have you lived in a big city your whole life? I live in a small city right now and have to tone down anything fancy for people who have lived here their whole lives. Stuff like mixed drinks and small plate foods make them uncomfortable because they aren’t used to it. They are used to beer and pizza.”

“Everyone feels stifled by the fancier atmosphere because they all think they should be smoking out of corn cobb pipes and using monocles or something.”


“I love to throw gatherings like this. I buy all the liquor and wine my friends like to make sure they feel cared for and special.”

“Is it over the top? Maybe. But it’s how I show my friends I care about them.”


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