
Her Husband’s Ex-Girlfriend Accused Her Of Stealing Her Life And She’s Asking The Internet If Maybe She Shouldn’t Have Yelled At Her

“Cut your MIL out. Stop being polite when she turns up. Seriously I’d speak to the police about a restraining order.”

“Your husband needs to be very clear with his mother that if she ever pulls a stunt like that again she’ll never see her granddaughter. Wow. ”


“You should have stood your ground a long time ago. I’m curious as to where your husband is in all of this.”

“Have you just not mentioned his reactions or is he not reacting? In regards to the MIL she needs to go unless she also cuts contact with the ex and does some heavy groveling.”

“In terms of the ex she now knows where you live; get a restraining order or some security cameras I hope she doesn’t come for your daughter.”

“The mama’s here comment is not just over the line I was hearing alarm bells. Keep this woman away from your family.”


You can read the rest of what the internet had to say here.

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