
Her Friend Showed Up To Her Wedding And Gave Her Back The Wedding Present She Got For Her As Her Wedding Gift

She also did not force any of her bridesmaids to buy specific dresses or shell out hundreds for their makeup and hair.

When her wedding day arrived, she was extremely stressed out since her family and her husband’s family were picking apart everything about the wedding.

Many of her guests then made jokes about how it was so far for them to travel from Manhattan to upstate New York, but when these people got married, she had to travel to extremely exotic places for them.

Hawaii, Goa, and Mexico City are just some of the places her loved ones got married in, and in comparison, sitting on a train or in a car for one hour is easy.

She tried to not let all the comments bother her, but then Jane weighed in on how this was far to travel, which annoyed her.

Remember, Jane got married in Spain, and she had to make that long trip for her.

Anyway, dinner began, and she and her husband got up from the table to go snap a few photos in the photo booth that they had there.

As they were taking photos, Jane approached her so that she could give her a wedding present.

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“It was the $200 cash I gave her at her wedding, in the same envelope and all,” she said. “I couldn’t believe what I was seeing and froze at first.”

“She said it’s a joke, something about how she was giving friends their gifts back to “even the score.”

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