She Caught Feelings For The Guy She’s Hooking Up With And He Sadly Doesn’t Feel The Same Way

A 24-year-old woman has been hooking up with a 36-year-old guy, and they’ve been doing their thing for close to half a year.

From the very beginning, they knew their relationship would be purely for intimacy and they agreed to nothing more than that.

Unfortunately, she recently caught feelings for this guy, and he sadly doesn’t feel the same way about her.

“I started to catch feelings and I couldn’t take it anymore, so around November, I told him how I felt,” she explained.

“At first when I tried to bring up my feelings I tried to play it cool and just ask him on a proper date, but he did not get the message.”

“So one night I just told him straight up I had a lot of feelings for him. He kinda shut down, he didn’t want to talk about it.”

His reasoning behind not wanting to discuss this at all? He told her that he did not want to have a conversation about something so “heavy” before they were about to go to sleep.

She did push back and point out that he never wants to speak about this ever really, and that she has attempted to discuss things with him via text, but he shut it down.

“When I texted him, I explained my feelings and told him I wanted something more than casual and he just said “sure” and would not elaborate what that even means,” she said.

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“He did tell me that he didn’t know I would want more and he thought it was totally casual, and that he doesn’t have strong feelings for me and he doesn’t even know if he’s capable of having strong feelings.”

“But he also doesn’t want to lose me, he enjoys spending time with me, and that he wants to love me but he’s just not there yet.”

Although they do have an age gap of 12 years, which is considerable, her hookup partner has previously insisted that he isn’t concerned about that…

…Though after she brought up having feelings for him and wanting something more, he used the age gap as an excuse and that it’s too much of a difference.

“Writing this out makes it feel obvious he’s playing me, but I can’t stop holding out hope that he’ll fall in love with me,” she continued.

“I enjoy the time we spend together, we agreed to be exclusive, we go on dates. Should I just keep going with the flow and see what happens?”

She’s considering potentially enforcing a few rules between them, such as not engaging in any activities that are girlfriend-like (you know, like going out on dates together).

She’s also thinking it might be time to kick this guy to the curb and find someone new who’s willing to commit to her.

What would you do if you were in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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