
She Has An Autistic Internet Stalker And She’s Asking The Internet If It’s Ok To Block Him On Facebook

“His mom definitely didn’t go out of her way to try and help her son learn how to develop healthy relationships, that’s for sure.”


“I am autistic and I can tell you that being autistic isn’t an excuse in this situation. I know I can only speak for myself, but while I know how difficult social cues and norms can be, I also know that a no (or stop) is a no.”

“As an autist, you need to understand that people don’t always act the way you expect or want them to.”

“While it is an explanation to maybe needing more clear boundaries, it is not an excuse to just do what you want with no regard for other people. People like this give other autists such a bad rep.”


“Came here to write this: he is hassling you because he is a predatory creep, not because he is autistic.”

“He knows what he is doing is wrong – you have told him hundreds of times to stop it. Block him on everything, and inquire at your college’s women’s advisory (or whatever you have wherever you are) if there are any legal steps you could take to stop him.”

“Document every attempt to contact you, so that you have proof when you bring the hammer down.”


“You clearly stated he needed to stop. While the autism explains the fixation, it does not excuse it.”

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