Men Share What Dating App Profile Red Flags Make Them Swipe Left

Look! - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
Look! - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

Curating the “perfect” dating app profile is not easy. What do you put in your bio? How many photos do you include, and what kind of pictures are they?

Many women even ask friends to review their profiles before making any changes. But, have you ever wondered what men think?

More specifically, what exactly would prompt them to “swipe left?”

Well, one man recently asked guys on the internet to share their dating app dealbreakers.

“I often see women throughout various dating Reddits saying things like fishing, hunting, and vehicle pictures are instant left swipes. So, I’m just curious what guys are swiping left on and why,” he wrote.

The thread has received nearly two hundred responses already and provides women with men’s alternate perspectives.

Most respondents deemed it a “red flag” if women only have selfies or portrait shots of their faces on their profiles.

Perhaps they would rather see some full body photos, and others with friends? 

On the other hand, having too many group photos was also deemed frustrating. If a woman does not have one picture of herself alone, it can be hard to even tell who exactly you are “swiping right” on.

Look! – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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Another huge turn-off is the use of Snapchat-like filters on photos– such as stars, hearts, and dog ears.

“Every single time I see a twenty-something-year-old woman with those weird filters, I am always wondering what the hell she was thinking. Is she really trying to attract a guy?” wrote one man. Yikes!

And aside from photos, inadequate bios also tick men off– such as those that only include a few words highlighting generic interests like “family” and “music.”

“I have tried to talk to these types of women, but they tend to be most likely to respond with one-word answers and not ask any questions in return,” one man said.

Finally, being “overly negative” is also typically a bad sign.

“If your entire profile is listing what you don’t want– especially if you also fail to talk about yourself– just comes off like you are full of it,” chimed in one user.

The best piece of advice the men provided? Basically, don’t try too hard. Include a variety of photos– without unnecessary filters– and describe what you are genuinely interested in.

And honestly, this being true-to-yourself advice is pretty great.

You can read the original Reddit thread here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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