This TikToker Called Out Recruiters Who Try To Gaslight Already-Employed Prospects Into Accepting Lower Salaries

According to Zippia, there are over two hundred and twenty-five thousand job recruiters currently employed in the U.S.

Widespread recruiting really began here in the states after World War II, following a gap in the workplace and numerous job vacancies.

Since then, staffing agencies and corporate recruiting have evolved a lot– developing into reviewing, screening, and soliciting of potential applicants that we know today.

Most often, these recruiters will reach out on professional networking sites such as LinkedIn or the like.

And while the responsibility of practically selling a job to someone is likely not easy, one man on TikTok recently called our recruiters for their sometimes shady practices.

The twenty-six-year-old is an engineer who receives countless messages from recruiters advertising other engineering opportunities.

Although the TikToker is content with his current position, he decided to hear the latest recruiter out.

“It happened to me again. Another recruiter slid in my DMs. We scheduled an interview, and when I finally told him the parameters of what I wanted– salary and everything like that– he was like, ‘That’s way too high,'” the man recalled.

TikTok; pictured above is @pbsquamer in his video

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The recruiter’s response thoroughly upset him.

“I was like you slid into my DMs. I get to pick things; you want me, I don’t want you. I am fine with my company– granted, I will hear offers. But if you are not going to give me something to leave, why would I leave?” the man said.

He also explained how, after bringing this up, recruiters would often try to gaslight him– claiming he is not worth his salary ask.

“That is always interesting to me because I am already making what you are offering me. You want me to leave? You have to offer more,” the TikToker underscored.

His video resonated with nearly five hundred thousand viewers and gained over fifty thousand likes. Much of the TikTok community related to the often negative experiences recruiters provide potential applicants.

“200% facts,” commented one user.

“I love when they reach out about roles that are very obviously lower compensated. Look, unless it is at LEAST a fifteen percent increase, we are not talkin’!” wrote another user.

“When the next recruiter that does this to me again, I am sending them this TikTok,” joked a third.

Have you gone through similar experiences with recruiters? How do you protect against the gaslighting?

And to watch the original video, visit the link here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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