
Her Sister Got Upset With Her For Wearing A Bikini Around Her Husband, Since This Guy Is Her Ex

magic_cinema - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A young woman lives in a part of the world that’s sweltering right now, and luckily, her grandparents have a huge pool.

She stops by her their house at least once or twice a week with the rest of her family members so they can hang out and swim.

Her grandma and grandpa are happy to have everyone over, and she and the rest of her loved ones will cook, eat snacks, and then clean up after themselves, so it’s no work for her grandparents to open their house up to all of them.

Anyway, about her loved ones, her sister shockingly got married to one of her ex-boyfriends not too long ago.

“Two years ago, my sister married her now husband, who happens to be one of my exes; at first, I was horrified because they began to date pretty quickly, but now, I don’t mind,” she explained.

“We don’t interact much (never have) so at previous gatherings, we would just be in on our business, not really caring for the other (she’s usually with our cousins and our parents while I’m with our grandparents and some aunts/uncles).”

So although her ex-boyfriend (whose name is Mike) is constantly around, she avoids speaking to him.

This past Sunday, she was at her grandparent’s house and so were her sister and Mike. She was back in the garden when her sister walked up to her and angrily asked her to change out of the bikini and cover-up dress that she had on.

Her sister then told her that she was not feeling great (she’s 26 weeks pregnant) and did not want Mike to be staring at her in that bikini.

magic_cinema – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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