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She Went On A Date With A Guy Who Dumped His Girlfriend 2 Weeks Prior, And After They Slept Together, He Ghosted Her

They also chatted about getting together later on and making some plans to do other things. He offered to let her hang out at his house for the remainder of the day, and he also said it was ok for her to sleep over that night too.

She had already made plans for the day, so she did end up leaving. He kissed her on her way out before stating that he really did want to meet up with her soon.

2 days after hooking up with him, she reached out to him to ask if he would like to meet up with her when he got off of work, but he told her that he wanted to head home on the early side.

Although he did then suggest doing something that weekend, she wasn’t able to as she was going out of town. He never replied back; he just disliked that message she sent. All of that happened a week ago, and she has not heard a peep from this guy.

“I feel like the ball is in his court, so I don’t want to text,” she continued. “I’m not looking for anything right now, but I thought he would at least text me to hang out again and keep things casual given how much fun we had.”

“What is going on? Maybe I like him more than I let on.”

Why do you think this guy ghosted her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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