
She Got Demoted From Bridesmaid To Unpaid Photographer At Her Friend’s Wedding, So She Ditched The Event Altogether

Ashley is Deidre’s sister, who was previously unsure if they could make the wedding. But, she clearly did, and Deidre had apparently concocted a new plan to solve everything.

First, she was instructed to give up her bridesmaid dress for Ashley. Then, she was told she would be the new wedding photographer and use her Nikon camera since no one wanted iPhone photos to be the official wedding shots.

Deidre never asked her about any of this, though. She was literally just told what was going to happen.

And then, all of the women jumped into action like it was the scene from Cinderella, where the evil stepsisters leave the Disney character in rags.

“Everybody swarmed me and started helping me out of my dress, pulling the rhinestone combs out of my hair, and Deidre took back the bridesmaid gift of the matching Tiffany bracelets we were wearing during the wedding to put on Ashley,” she explained.

And all the while, everyone was trying to make her feel like this was not a huge slap in the face. The girls kept regarding how much of a “better plan” it was and even tried to hype up her photography skills.

Plus, the bridesmaids made a comment about how much better and “more uniform” the wedding photos would look since she– “Big Bird”– was no longer going to be towering in them. How incredibly rude.

But, the final straw was when Deidre told her that she would no longer have a seat at the dinner– since she apparently did not need to sit anyway– and that she could just eat after everyone else.

So, if you can imagine, she was utterly flustered. She went from a bridesmaid to being demoted to a photographer in a matter of seconds.

“And I was immediately pretty hurt by the demand that I would be responsible for not only the wedding photography for free but that everyone was implying I would make the pictures look weird if I was in them,” she vented.

“Plus, the assumption that I would be okay with not having a seat at all or the chance to eat.”

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