
His Pregnant Wife Felt Sick And Asked Him To Skip A Bachelor Party, But He Freaked Out On Her, Went To The Party Anyway, And His Wife Ended Up In The Hospital

He claims that he told his wife about the party a week in advance and detailed how he would not be home for a day. And apparently, his wife was totally fine with it at the time.

But pregnancies are unpredictable, and it just so happened that the night before he was supposed to leave, his wife revealed she was not feeling well at all. His wife also asked if he would be able to skip the bachelor party– and he completely blew up on her.

In fact, he told his wife that she could not force him to do things “her way” all of the time. Then, he even said his wife needed to grow up and learn how to take care of herself– something he immediately regretted saying as soon as the words left his mouth.

“I know I crossed the line there. She is a very independent woman who never complains if she gets sick nor asks for help,” he admitted.

“But, since she got pregnant, she feels really anxious at the mildest signs of sickness.”

Anyway, his wife actually ended up being the one to apologize for being a burden and was clearly really hurt by his comments.

Regardless, though, they did not speak anymore that evening, and he still ended up leaving for the bachelor party the following morning.

Well, during the night of the party, he got an unexpected text from his wife. She actually wound up in the hospital and was admitted for observation so her doctors could ensure both she and the baby were healthy.

And apparently, his wife only told him so that way he did not bother driving home to be with her– since, obviously, she was not at home.

Still, he felt super guilty about everything that happened the day before and decided to drive to the hospital immediately. He planned to stay with her in the hospital the entire night, and he did.

But, the entire time he was there, his wife did not want to talk to him. And now, even a few days later, his wife has still been acting pretty distant and has declined to ask him for any help around their house.

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