She’s Convinced That Having A Child Just Destroyed Her Relationship With Her Husband And She’s Wondering If She Needs To Move On

Petrov Denis - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Petrov Denis - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A 28-year-old woman has spent the past 8 years with her 29-year-old husband, and 2 years ago they decided to get married.

Pretty much right after their wedding, she was shocked to learn that she was pregnant with their daughter, which they had not planned at all.

Although she dreamed of getting to be a mom and the timing was far sooner than she anticipated, she was still thrilled to get to be a mom.

Her husband, on the other hand, said he wanted kids, but his timeline was to have them way later on in life.

Their daughter is now just a little older than 1-year-old, and she admits that being a mom is a hard job, but she loves it.

Her husband, however, is clearly not on the same page as her. After they welcomed their daughter into the world, they had to make some huge changes in their life in order to provide for her.

They wound up moving close to where her family lives, which meant moving far away from their friends.

She also had to find a new job, and her husband’s job went in the direction of being remote. For the first 6 months of their daughter’s life, she was miserable and colicky, though lately, she’s been happy and giggly and happy; how she hoped her baby would grow up to be.

Her husband is having a very difficult time adjusting to being a dad, and after spending a brief amount of time with their daughter, he finds something else to do.

Petrov Denis – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

He also never really wants to participate in any activities involving child care, and he frequently makes remarks about needing a break from the baby.

Her husband’s job requires him to travel for 1 week each month, so in her eyes, he does have a ton of time away from being a dad, though it’s not enough for him. He really wants them to go on an elaborate vacation with just the two of them, but that’s not going to happen anytime soon.

Money has been tight for them, as the new job she picked up doesn’t pay nearly as well as her old one, and child care is expensive. Vacation isn’t in the cards in the near future for them at all.

“He’ll never say it, but I think he blames my daughter for stealing the life we had before away from him and I don’t know what to do,” she explained.

“I hate the idea that a piece of him doesn’t want our daughter and it’s driving a wedge between us. We’re just not as happy as we were before. We fight, we’re tired all the time…I’ve tried to be the positive one, the sexy one, the strong one, and carry both of us, but at what point do I decide he’s just not father material and move on? I don’t want my daughter ever feeling like she’s unwanted, I’m worried staying with him will be signing both of us up for unhappy life.”

Do you think there’s a way for her husband to fix this, or does it seem like he’s just not happy being a dad and won’t ever be?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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