He Refused To Let His Friend And His Friend’s Fiancé Move In With Him After They Encountered Some Financial Struggles, And Now He Is Getting Accused Of Being A Terrible Person

Syda Productions - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual couple
Syda Productions - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual couple

This twenty-eight-year-old guy has two close friends. His friend Tom is twenty-nine, and Tom’s fiancé, Kat, is thirty-one.

Unfortunately, though, Tom and Kat recently entered some financial trouble and are currently unable to afford their rent.

So, as it stands, the couple can either move in with Kat’s parents– who live about two hours away. Or, his friends could move in with him until they find a new place to rent.

And, of course, Tom and Kat would rather move in with him. Right now, he lives alone in a three-bedroom house– so they believe he has ample space.

Plus, the process would be easier for them since Tom and Kat could remain near Tom’s work and their other friends.

Finally, there are a ton of parks near his house. So, Kat would be able to take her dogs for walks anytime.

Obviously, though, those are all perks that benefit his friends. But honestly, the thought of living with not just one but two people really does not sit well with him.

First of all, he has one room that he uses as his bedroom. Then, the other two rooms already have designated purposes in his life: one is a home office, and the other is his library.

“Furthermore, I love the feeling of coming home to an empty house. Everything is as I left it, and I can properly unwind,” he explained.

Syda Productions – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual couple

“Also, living alone makes it easier to bring girls over.”

So, he attempted to tell Tom and Kat about his reservations, and it did not go as well as he had hoped. In fact, his friends actually became pretty angry.

First, they accused him of being selfish for not wanting to make any sacrifices for them. Then, they claimed that a true friend would want to help out.

Anyway, at that point, he figured that he needed to tell Tom and Kat “the blunt truth.” More specifically, he revealed that he would have no problem helping out Tom. After all, Tom works full-time and would definitely respect his space.

Quite frankly, though, he just did not want Kat to live with him for a few reasons. Primarily, she does not currently work– which means she will be inside his home a lot more than he is. Second, she has “inside dogs.”

“And I don’t want that at all,” he added.

Finally, he kind of spilled the beans about a private conversation he had with Tom and was honest about Kat’s behavior.

More specifically, he admitted that Tom had spoken to him privately about their relationship. So, he claimed to know that Tom gets frustrated whenever he comes home from work and still has to complete most of the chores and prepare dinner, rather than Kat taking care of it.

“I also told Kat that she is lucky she is with someone who tolerates her and loves her, but I am not like Tom. I’m not dealing with it,” he said. Yikes!

After that, Kat ended up breaking down into tears and accused him of being evil. He also apologized to Tom about the whole thing.

Regardless, this incident happened late last year. So, ever since then, Tom and Kat have been living with Kat’s parents.

Now, he knows that is hard for them right now. But, some of his friends, who reportedly “know how Kat is,” applauded him for doing the right thing.

Still, other people who are closer to Kat still believe that he is a terrible person for what he did. Moreover, they claim that he put Tom and Kat in a situation that may even ruin their relationship.

So now, with so many mixed opinions, he has been left wondering whether not letting Tom and Kat move in with him was the right move or not.

Do you think people should ever feel required to take in friends who are in a tough spot? Do you believe he has sound reasoning for not wanting the couple to move in with him? How would you have dealt with this situation had you been in his shoes? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek
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