Her Friend Kept Making Rude Remarks About Her Culture, And How Her Adult Sisters Still Live With Her Parents, So She Said A Savage Comeback, And Now Her Friends Think She Needs To Apologize

Daniel Ernst - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Daniel Ernst - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A few weeks ago, this twenty-five-year-old woman decided to host a dinner party at her place. So, she invited a group of friends, and everyone had been having a great time.

Well, that was until the topic of moving out and charging adult children rent came up.

For context, she is not from America. So, she admitted that she had no idea that was even a common practice here in the states. Plus, after learning about it, she decided to share her honest perspective with her friends.

“I told my friends that in Brazil, this would be looked down upon and that I did not know a single person who paid rent to their parents,” she recalled.

In fact, she pointed out how she has three adult sisters who all live “at home,” and not one of them pays a cent in rent.

Finally, she claims to have “finished up her speech” by saying that it was totally fine if her friends disagreed with her.

However, she said that she personally would never choose to charge her children rent unless she was struggling financially.

Instead of being receptive to her perspective on this, though, one of her friends named Amy, who is twenty-seven, hit her with a pretty rude comment.

In fact, Amy claimed that “someone from a third world country would not understand,” and then even tried to say that her sisters should not “freeload.”

Daniel Ernst – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

She was understandably taken aback by that, first of all. But then, she tried to explain the situation to Amy.

She told Amy that first, her parents love having her sisters around, so no one else viewed it as “freeloading.”

Plus, she pointed out how it was actually common, if not expected, for people to live with their parents until they either found a long-term partner or got married.

Amy still just did not get it, though, and accused her culture of being “backward.”

“But I tried not to get offended over her choice of words, and I said, ‘Agree to disagree,'” she noted.

Just a couple of days ago, though, she decided to host her friends again for another dinner party. And during that event, she got to announce that her older sister was engaged.

But, while this news was supposed to be happy and exciting, Amy took it as another opportunity to make even more rude comments about her culture.

In fact, Amy actually proceeded to ask if her sister was “finally going to grow up now, or if mommy and daddy will pay rent for her elsewhere.”

And at that point, she was understandably sick and tired of Amy’s little comments. So, she finally told her friend off.

First, she told Amy that her sister and new brother-in-law would be buying their own condo without any help.

Then, she claimed that perhaps Amy would be able to do the same soon if Amy’s parents did not charge her one thousand dollars of rent plus utilities each month.

Anyway, if you could not have guessed, this clap back ended up prompting a huge fight that even cut her dinner short. Plus, some of her friends even told her that she needed to apologize to Amy in order to keep the peace.

Honestly, though, she just does not think she should be the one to apologize. So now, she has been left wondering if “humiliating” her friend Amy in order to make a point actually made her a jerk or not.

Why do you think Amy was so willing to talk down about her culture if they were supposed to be friends? Do you believe she had a right to stand up for herself and her sister? Can you believe her friends think she needs to apologize? If you were in her shoes, how would you handle this situation? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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