He Told His Girlfriend That If She Can’t Get A Job, He’s Taking Away The Car He Purchased For Her

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 28-year-old guy has a girlfriend who is 25, and he has been dating her for more than 3 years now.

He originally met his girlfriend back when they both worked for the same company. But not long after he and his girlfriend began dating, she got fired from her job for failing a drug test.

After his girlfriend got fired, she did go on to find a couple more jobs, but she hasn’t stuck with any of them because she felt those jobs were not “good enough for her.”

His girlfriend developed a pattern of quitting, and every job she has had lately, she has quit after only working for a couple of short months.

7 or 8 months ago, his girlfriend decided to no longer apply to any new positions, and she has been out of work ever since.

“Now for the car, about a year into our relationship, I bought her a new car that I’m paying monthly for,” he explained.

“Technically, the car is legally mine; the only reason I bought it was because, at the time, she had a 1-hour commute, and her old car was (junk). Even though the car and financing are in my name, she used to pay for them from her salary.”

“But now that she’s been unemployed for several months, I’m the one that has to pay for it. I also have to pay the whole rent and financing on my own car. I’m barely making ends meet.”

Currently, his girlfriend will take her car to hang out with her friends or shop for groceries, which means she’s only driving one or two times each week.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Several days ago, he finally had enough and informed his girlfriend that if she does not get her act together and find a job, he’s taking the car he bought for her back, and he’s planning on gifting it to his mom.

“And since I’ve said that, my girlfriend has stopped talking to me, and when she does, she’s extremely rude and aggressive,” he said.

“Also, I just want to point out that I’ve even offered to find her a job, one of my friends is a manager at a small bakery, and he said that he could hire my girlfriend. But she still refuses to work at all.”

He’s left wondering if it’s mean of him to follow through with his threat. What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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