He Was Expected To Pay For And Cook All Of The Food For His Brother’s Wedding, With Over Two Hundred And Fifty Guests

While most people celebrated a cozy and festive Christmas with their loved ones, this man got an absolute bomb dropped on him by his brother. More specifically, he found out that his brother finally decided to get married to his long-time girlfriend.
Now, you might be wondering, ‘What’s so wrong with his brother getting married?” Well, it’s not the wedding that is the issue, per se– it’s the fact that his brother expected his entire family to foot the bill.
Apparently, this tragic tale stems all the way back to when he and his brother were eighteen years old.
After they officially became legal adults, they each received an inheritance from their family– mostly in the form of stocks.
Unfortunately, though, his brother reportedly blew his inheritance on cryptocurrency and ended up losing it all.
So, now that it’s time for his brother to get married, his brother wants everyone in the family to pitch in and cover specific expenses.
And since he actually worked in the upscale restaurant industry for many years– once even being sous for a James Beard award-winning chef– his brother wanted him to take charge of the meal.
It did take some pressure from his parents to get him to accept the responsibility. But, eventually, he caved and decided to handle the food.
Just last week, though, his brother called him up to give him all of the details. And by the end of the call, he was absolutely floored.

vectorfusionart – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
First of all, he found out that his brother planned on inviting two hundred and fifty people. Plus, every single guest was allowed to bring a plus-one.
Next, his brother wanted a cocktail hour with hors d’oeuvres passed on trays. Exactly what food his brother planned to offer during cocktail hour has yet to be determined.
However, his brother did outline a very specific and complicated main course– which he, of course, wants to be plated instead of being served buffet style.
For the beef dish option, his brother expects him to prepare filet mignon, Yorkshire pudding, and roasted asparagus.
As for the poultry dish option, he was enlisted to cook red current glazed duck breast, fondant potatoes, and grilled Brussels sprouts.
His brother could not forget a vegetarian option, either, and opted to select chickpea bolognese with cauliflower pasta and mushroom gratin.
Finally, his brother also picked out some extravagant desserts to wrap up the evening. He is expected to bake a collection of choux pastries along with mini cheesecakes.
Now, as if this menu was not already going to be exorbitantly expensive, he claimed that the situation got even worse– because apparently, it costs a whopping one thousand dollars just to rent out the kitchen at his brother’s wedding venue!
He did reveal that the rental cost includes the cleaning fee, which is one upside. However, the venue will not even provide any cookware or utensils.
“And I’ll have to pay for additional cooks, servers, bartenders, bussing staff, and the serving ware,” he added.
So, if you could not have guessed, he is beyond furious. He claims that the most frustrating part about this entire situation, though, was his parents.
Apparently, his parents have always babied his brother. So, when he decided to inform his parents that there was no way in hell he would be able to buy and cook everything for free, his parents just told him to do more work to figure it out!
More specifically, they told him that he needed to call his contacts in the restaurant industry to see if they would be willing to either donate their time or ingredients for his brother’s wedding.
He understandably did not want to do that and got really pissed off after his parents suggested it. Soon after, though, his brother’s wedding fiasco had an even bigger plot twist.
Apparently, his parents recently found out that his brother had been stealing money from their relatives for a few years.
And finally, that discovery forced his parents to quit babying his brother and give him a dose of reality.
First, his parents and brother had a heart-to-heart discussion. Then, his brother was presented with two choices that were quite generous, given the circumstances.
“They gave him an option of not taking any money for the wedding, and they would pay for courses so he would learn how to be more responsible with his money,” he detailed the first choice.
Or the second option was for his parents to place an undisclosed amount of money into a new bank account.
Then, his brother would be able to hire a wedding planner who would use that money to put together the entire event.
The only catch with the second option, though, was that if his brother went through with it, his parents pledged they would cut off contact.
He claims that during that tough conversation, there was apparently a lot of crying on both sides. Yet shockingly, his brother actually chose to take the cash and forego communication with his parents.
In turn, his parents told him he should no longer help his brother out financially. Plus, his parents suggested that he not contact his brother anymore either!
“Is there a word for feeling happy, sad, relieved, and disappointed all at the same time?” he vented.
Can you believe that his brother expected to cook and foot the food bill for a wedding with over two hundred and fifty people? Are you shocked that his brother has been taking money from relatives over the past few years? Do you think that his parent’s options were reasonable? If you had been in his brother’s shoes, what option would you have chosen?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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