After His Wife Got Pregnant, He Kicked Their Roommate Out Because She Kept Making Insulting Comments About Their Baby On The Way

Several years ago, this 29-year-old man and his 24-year-old wife purchased their own home, but then they found 2 roommates to assist them with paying down their mortgage.
Their house has 2 separate bedrooms, plus an en-suite section for just them, and each of their roommates have their own bedrooms but a shared bathroom.
Their first roommate, named Alex, is a pretty private and doesn’t really interact with them, but their second roommate, named Kaitlin, is super outgoing as well as the kind of person who likes to make her opinions known to everyone.
“Kaitlin is also child-free and occasionally very vocal about it (as in, it’s not constant, but when something child-related comes up, she will interject without fail),” he explained.
“Anyway, wife and I were finally successful in conceiving and decided to tell both of our flatmates three months into the pregnancy.”
“We chose three months as we didn’t want to announce it to anyone too early in case of a miscarriage, but also wanted to give flatmates plenty of time to find somewhere else if they (understandably) didn’t want to live with a newborn.”
Ultimately, Alex and Kaitlin insisted that they would like to continue renting from them since their house is in a wonderful location and it’s also pretty new, which is rare for their area.
They live in a country where the majority of the houses are damp, chilly, made of wood, and super dated (think turn-of-the-century).
As soon as Alex and Kaitlin chose to stay in their home, Kaitlin began making insulting comments about their baby on the way.

prostooleh – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
“Things like she should get a discount on rent for putting up with a baby, she’s not going to get any sleep with a baby in the house, we should have told them we were trying, etc.,” he said.
“At first, my wife just brushed these off, though I did have a word with Kaitlin that they’re not appreciated.”
“Since then, the snide remarks became more frequent and rude, e.g., calling us selfish for bringing a child into the world, saying our social lives are going to be over, etc.”
Kaitlin’s comments went on for months, and finally, he put his foot down. He was done dealing with Kaitlin’s nastiness in what should be a celebratory period in his life, so he resolved to kick her out.
First, he checked to make sure that his wife was on board, just as a courtesy. It’s also worth mentioning that in his country since Kaitlin never signed a formal rental agreement, she has zero rights as a tenant.
So, he kicked Kailtin out, but he did generously give her 30 days to find somewhere new to live.
“Kaitlin is throwing a hissy fit, saying I’m being unfair,” he added. “That since she pays rent, she should have a say in the direction of the household and that we were selfish for having a kid without even telling flatmates. Alex is on the fence, though has expressed that I’m being a bit unfair to Kaitlin. Wife as I said, fully supports me though she’s less annoyed by her behavior than myself, if I’m being honest.”
Do you think it’s mean of him to kick Kailtin out over her comments about their baby on the way?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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