His Girlfriend Has Developed A Fast Food Addiction, Resulting In Her Gaining A Ton Of Weight, So He’s Losing The Attraction He Had To Her

Astarot - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Astarot - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 22-year-old guy has a girlfriend a year younger than he is, and they have been dating for half a year now.

He says he never considered his girlfriend to be “skinny”; she was more like a bit above an average weight to him, but he was attracted to her.

Not too long ago, though, his girlfriend developed an addiction to fast food, which has resulted in her gaining a ton of weight.

“While I have clearly noticed the change in her face and body, it just makes me sad whenever I see pictures of us from 6-8 months ago or from a year ago when she was skinny; she looks so much prettier,” he explained.

“She has gained at least 66 pounds in the last year, and she is quite short. I don’t want to give the impression that I dislike overweight people or that I hate her, I love her, and she genuinely has the best personality ever.”

“I really want to stay with her. But this is starting to become an issue because every time I see older pictures of us, I immediately feel like she let herself go.”

His girlfriend’s fast food addiction began 2 months into their relationship, but at that point in time, he didn’t think he it was ok for him to bring it up.

His girlfriend’s consumption of fast food has only increased in the past couple of months, and he can honestly say he’s losing the attraction he has to her.

He already feels it slipping away, but he is still in love with her. He’s so worried about bringing his girlfriend’s weight up to her, as he really is concerned about destroying her self-esteem.

Astarot – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“But if things don’t change, I’m going to have a hard time staying in this relationship,” he said. “She has mentioned that she’s happy the way she is, which does not give me much hope.”

“I don’t mean to hurt anyone’s feelings; this is just my experience, and any advice on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. Do I tell her or keep silent? If I do tell her, how?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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