Her In-Laws Would Not Allow Her And Her Wife To Sleep In The Same Room When They Visited For Christmas, So They Left In The Middle Of The Night To Get A Hotel Room, And Now Her In-Laws Are Furious 

Syda Productions - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Syda Productions - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This thirty-six-year-old woman and her wife, who is thirty-three, have two children together– a daughter who is six and a son who is four. And this year, for Christmas, they decided to visit her wife’s side of the family.

Now, she and her wife typically either spend holidays at home or use them as an excuse to travel. And she claims that they mostly do this because her in-laws really do not like her.

Obviously, though, this year ended up being different, and she and her wife planned to stay at her in-law’s house for just one night.

And according to her, everything started out okay that day, too. Well, there were some snarky remarks made toward her, and she also had to deal with a fair share of “bitter words.”

“But it was nothing out of proportion to what I expected from them,” she admitted.

Once it was time to head to bed, though, things got pretty tense. And it all began with the room arrangements.

Apparently, after she and her wife wanted to go to sleep, her mother-in-law revealed that they would be sleeping in the same arrangement as when she first visited them eight whole years ago.

Plus, at that time, she was only her wife’s girlfriend. So, she understood why they were expected to sleep in separate rooms back then.

But now, being that they are married, she expected a lot more– and she honestly told her mother-in-law that.

Syda Productions – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“I said that I imagined the accommodation would change to us both staying the night in the same room,” she explained.

She also pointed out how her brother-in-law and sister-in-law both get to share rooms with their spouses. So, she claimed it just did not make sense to her.

Her mother-in-law was clearly just uncomfortable with her and her wife’s marriage, though, because the reasoning was so flawed.

In fact, her mother-in-law simply claimed to think that it “would be more appropriate” for them to sleep separately.

So, after she told her wife about what her mother-in-law had said, her wife agreed that it was totally outrageous– especially because they were only going to be staying there for one night and leaving in the morning.

She also just could not let her in-law’s behavior slide and believed it was simply too disrespectful. In turn, she told her wife that she would not be able to stay that night.

Then, after her wife agreed, she ended up finding a hotel and booking a room at the last minute.

Afterward, they left in the middle of the night, even though her mother-in-law would not stop protesting their decision.

Now, at the time, she and her wife thought that they were completely justified in standing up for themselves against that unequal treatment. By the next morning, though, she started to question her decision.

Apparently, she received a call from her father-in-law, who accused her of being selfish and petty.

He also claimed that she was preventing him and his family from seeing her wife and children– who are his daughter and grandchildren.

Then, her brother-in-law texted her a similar message and even accused her of not wanting to stay at her in-law’s house because it was “not like the mansions they lived in.”

“And he called me entitled for overreacting,” she added.

So now, with all of her in-laws really pissed off at her, she has been left wondering if wanting to sleep in the same room as her wife was completely justified or if she really did overreact by leaving in the middle of the night.

Can you believe her in-laws allow her brother-in-law and sister-in-law to sleep with their spouses but not her and her wife? Would you be outraged if, after eight years of being together, getting married, and having two children, you were still expected to sleep separately from your partner? Did she and her wife have a right to leave in the middle of the night? If you had been in her shoes, would you have done the same? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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