Love Curls But Hate The Fuss? With This Heatless Curl Method, All You Need Is A Bathrobe, Two Scrunchies, And Five Minutes Of Your Day

NDABCREATIVITY - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
NDABCREATIVITY - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

I absolutely love the look of freshly curled hair. The ringlets inevitably add volume and depth and can make you feel like a million bucks on any old day.

What I genuinely despise, though, is the actual process of getting curly hair. Sure, I have natural “waves,” but they look nothing like the refined, symmetrical ringlets that a curling iron or wand can provide– even if I use heaps of product and a diffuser.

So, over the years, I had been forced to resort to arduous heat tools. I would stand in the mirror for about an hour, sometimes even more, trying to section out pieces of my hair and curl all of the strands to look uniform.

Every single time, though, I ran into numerous issues. First of all, if I miscalculated how large or small a hair section should be, the resulting curl would come out looking wonky and out of place. Plus, if I decided to go over the same curl a second time to fix it, the result was not nearly as bouncy.

This brings me to another problem too. How do you get all of your completed curls to hold their shape and not fall while you finish the rest of your head?

I’ve tried hairspray, which just made the ringlets “crunchy” and uncomfortable. I have also tried rollers, which– while very effective when done correctly– require a certain level of technique and care that I honestly just do not have the patience for.

So, after feeling my arm muscles burn every single morning, only to be disappointed by my hair-curling skills, I decided to give up. I took a break from heat tools and began wearing my waves au naturale.

Well, that was until I discovered the heatless curl movement and became entirely hooked on the idea.

I was already a “nighttime shower person” who loved to wash off and relax after a long day. And quite frankly, I wanted to cut out as much “morning fuss” as possible.

NDABCREATIVITY – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

I mean, we already have to do our skincare and makeup, pick out an outfit, and complete countless other household responsibilities before starting our day. So, spending an hour on my hair just was not in the cards.

With heatless curls, though, I realized that I could save so much time. On top of that, I did not have to worry about damaging my hair with heat or excessive styling products any longer.

Still, arguably the best part about my entire heatless curl method is that you can get started tonight using one unsuspecting item that you already have in your closet.

Bathrobe Heatless Curls

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I lived on TikTok. And amidst one of my endless scrolling evenings, I stumbled upon a new method to curl my hair that required no money, little skill, and just about five minutes to complete every night.

By now, you have probably seen this method online– in which people grab a long tube-shaped piece of fabric and wrap their hair around it.

Countless companies have capitalized on this heatless curl method’s popularity over the past two years, selling “kits” on Amazon.

Let’s be honest, though: these kits are a real waste of money– primarily because you don’t really need anything that is included in them. 

Instead, if you have a bathrobe that is equipped with a belt– as well as two scrunchies or hair ties– then you are set to go! So, let’s break down how to prep, execute, and style your heatless curls.

First, I recommend showering about two hours before you plan to hit the sack. This is important since having damp hair will lead to optimal curl results.

Yes, some people opt to do heatless curls on dry hair as well. But, this does not always work for most hair types– and even if it does, the results will be much less “curly” and a lot more “subtly wavy.”

So, take a nice shower or bath, and afterward, pop on Netflix for a while. You should wait until your hair is about 60 to 70 percent dry.

I find that this is the sweet spot– because if your hair is too wet, it will not dry while tightly wrapped overnight. On the flip side, if your hair is too dry, it will not hold the curls as well.

Anyway, once your hair is adequately damp, grab a bathrobe belt and two scrunchies. Then, head to a mirror– which will be your best friend during this process.

Start by simply laying the middle of the bathrobe belt across the top of your head like a headband. Once the belt’s two edges are hanging at equal lengths on the sides of your face, then you know the belt is centered.

Next, start at your natural part and grab a section of your hair. You don’t have to fuss too much over the size of this section. But if you have side or curtain bangs, start with that section.

Then, just wrap the hair away from your face and around the bathrobe belt. Once you have completed a full circle around the belt, just pick up another section of hair and keep going.

Repeat this process one side at a time until you have picked up and wrapped all of your hair around the bathrobe belt.

The most important thing to remember here is that you should always curl away from your face and make sure that the curls are wrapped tightly.

Finally, once you reach the end of your hair, just grab a scrunchie and secure your hair to the bathrobe belt. With both sides completed, it should look like you have two pigtails in.

Afterward, you can just go to bed as usual. You don’t have to use any additional products or sprays, and you don’t have to worry about tossing or turning in your sleep, either.

Bathrobe belts are typically soft and squishy, which means that you will be able to fall asleep and stay asleep very easily. Plus, as long as you secure your scrunchies properly, the curls will not come out. Trust me.

Then, once you wake up in the morning, all you have to do is head to the bathroom, undo the scrunchies, grab the top of your bathrobe belt, and pull upward. All of your beautifully-wrapped curls will fall out– perfectly dry and ready to be styled.

I prefer to just flip my head over a few times to shake the curls loose. Plus, if I have a long day ahead of me, I will throw a light coating of hair spray on to secure the ringlets.

Honestly, though, even without the hairspray, this method allows me to have curls that last all day. And after spending only about five minutes on them, I believe that is a total win.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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