If You Are Craving More Passion Or Confidence In Your Life, Start By Incorporating Red: A Bold Color With Deep Spiritual Meanings

Everyone has their own favorite colors and different meanings or personal memories that they associate with various hues. But did you know that colors have inherent spiritual representations too?
This fact has largely influenced the business sector, with companies choosing their brand color palettes and logos based on the natural feeling different colors elicit from consumers.
And depending on a company’s goals, those colors are supposed to subconsciously encourage customers to act in one way or another– whether that be spotting the yellow McDonald’s arches and craving a burger or seeing the black and white Sephora stripes and suddenly thinking about that new eyeliner you had been eyeing online.
So, just like yellow, green, or blue, the color red is no different. Interestingly, though, this color actually symbolizes various different meanings– both positive and negative.
“Seeing Red”
This bold color is everywhere– from stoplights and restaurant signs to Christmas decor and Victoria’s Secret campaigns. Red is undeniably steamy, with connotations of promiscuity and allure.
At the same time, the color can also represent frustration, anger, and annoyance– hence the popular metaphor, “seeing red.”
According to Nina Ashby, the author of “Simply Color Therapy,” this is because red is considered to be one of the slowest moving and densest vibrational waves. The color ranges from very dark shades like merlot to almost pinky shades like blush.
And since red is also the color of the root chakra, Ashby also claims that its symbolism represents our material world.

Drobot Dean – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
“It represents blood; it represents life force passion. Its slow-moving molecules create friction, which creates heat, so it represents heat and fire as well,” she said.
This means that red is a very dynamic and hyper-stimulating color. It can represent lust, energy, and passion. It can also symbolize power– hence why people of high social status, such as celebrities, politicians, and royalty, often don red attire.
Positive Vs. Negative Symbolism
The color red does not just imply sensuality, stimulation, activity, or romance, though. The color is also associated with other negative feelings or events.
For instance, the hue is often linked to feelings of irritability, frustration, and anger. In addition, rash behavior, vulgarity, overstimulation, and fire.
So, while red might be used to boost Valentine’s Day sales or promote a perfume line that hints at lust, the color is also a staple in horror movies and rebellion movements.
What Does The Color Red Mean In Your Life?
If you want to figure out the color’s spiritual meaning in your own day-to-day, it is important to recognize where or when the color comes to you most frequently.
For instance, if you often see red in your dreams, you should start by considering the context of the scenario. Were you cooking in the kitchen with some red tomatoes and red peppers, or were you wearing all red clothing or standing in an entirely red room?
Take note of what exactly was red, how those red “things” made you feel in your dream, and what emotions the color draws out of you.
Sometimes, dreams that are filled with red can signify that you are frustrated or irritated with your life at this point. Other times, red might represent a flame of passion or motivation being lit under your behind– urging you to move forward and keep working.
Aside from dreams, the color red may also seem like a pervasive color in your romantic relationship or love life as a whole. If so, this can be a very good thing– indicating that you and your partner have a lot of romantic and sensual energy together.
You and your partner may even have a red aura, which is often tied to people who are highly passionate lovers who are all about physical connection and spontaneity.
“Red people love a challenge and like someone who’s fun to watch. They don’t want boring,” said celebrity aura reader Megan Michaela Firester.
Finally, in terms of home decor, red is actually considered to be a highly lucky color according to feng shui. It represents fire with an intensity that symbolizes luck. So, many people incorporate this hue into their interior design to help redirect energy throughout their houses.
Although, it is important to note that you should avoid red if you are often stressed out or encounter trouble sleeping. Instead, you can opt for a more calming hue like green or blue.
Taking Back Red
If you believe that you could use a bit more passion, energy, or intensity in your life, then beginning to incorporate the color red into your day-to-day is a safe and easy way to get started.
First of all, you can simply begin by opting to wear more red clothing– whether you are going to run errands or head into the office. This will send a message to everyone you interact with that you have vigor and confidence and demand respect.
You can also partake in simple acts of self-care, such as buying yourself a nice bouquet of red flowers for your kitchen table, burning a red candle, or opting to write in a red journal every morning or evening.
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