Right Before He Got Married To His Wife, She Left Him And Accused Him Of Being Selfish, But He Just Found Out She Actually Left Him For Her Coworker, So He’s Feeling Like His Marriage Is A Lie

4kclips - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
4kclips - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Just 8 months ago, this 34-year-old man tied the knot with his 29-year-old wife, and so all in, they have been together for approximately 3 years.

Throughout their time spent together, he and his wife have had their fair share of problems, but he always thought they did a great job handling them and resolving whatever was going on.

After he proposed to his wife, though, they hit a tough time in their relationship around 14 months ago.

“Essentially, we had a fight, and she left me,” he explained. “The reason that she gave was that I was selfish (in the argument we were having) and that I didn’t prioritize her.”

“It had been a tough time for us as she had been overseas for an extended work assignment for the past 4 months.”

“We spent two months broken up, during which time I tried to figure out what I had done wrong in the relationship. Following some introspection, I concluded that maybe I had been selfish and didn’t give her what she needed, and so I asked for her back so that we could try again. She initially declined but then contacted me a few weeks later, wanting to talk. We ended up getting back together.”

He and his wife were able to fix their relationship, and then his wife said she would like to follow through with getting married to him.

However, while they were in the middle of fixing things, his wife let him know that she had wound up sleeping with another guy while they were not together.

He had also had a one-night stand, so it didn’t bother him; after all, they were broken up at that time.

4kclips – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

He then questioned his wife if she had cheated on him while they were together, and she said she hadn’t.

That made him feel good, as he had never once cheated on her, and so they got back to fixing things and did go ahead and followed through with marriage as well.

“A few months ago, it ends up accidentally coming out that she had started an emotional affair with a coworker the month prior to leaving me, and that she had left me for him….the reason for our breakup,” he said.

“After a few months, she decided she wanted to be with me still and came back. However, this didn’t get mentioned AT ALL. In a recent conversation about this situation, I asked why she lied when I asked if she had cheated in the relationship. She said that she thought I just meant “physically,” so didn’t mention it. She has apologized for it numerous times now that it has come out and says it will never happen again.”

“Now, I believe strongly in the sanctity of marriage and for fighting for the marriage relationship. But I’m struggling here because I feel lied to. Though, as far as I know, she has been faithful since our wedding day, it feels like the entire marriage is a sham because I never got the whole story. Does anyone have any experience in this situation? I feel like her infidelity prior to our marriage sort of stains the whole process. Any advice on how you all would handle this?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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