She Thought Her Daughter With ASD Needed To Learn Better Hygiene, So She Sent Her Daughter To School Wearing Red-Stained White Pants When That Time Of The Month Hit To “Teach Her A Lesson,” And Her Daughter Was Ruthlessly Bullied

This woman currently has a fourteen-year-old daughter who was diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
And being early in teenhood, her daughter is now going through some normal womanly body changes.
According to her, though, her daughter just has “terrible hygiene”– and she honestly just cannot take it anymore.
Apparently, she claims that she has to fight with her daughter to get simple hygienic tasks done, such as showering and brushing her teeth. The real struggle, though, has been helping her daughter deal with that time of the month.
Whenever her daughter goes through that, she detailed how it is extremely difficult to get her daughter to clean up after herself.
“It is disgusting. [There is] blood everywhere and the constant washing of underwear,” she said.
However, she believes that her daughter just does not see any problem with not cleaning up after herself. And she did not want that behavior to continue any longer.
So, she ended up telling her daughter that kids at school would bully her if she smelled bad. She also explained how it would be very difficult to socially recover from an embarrassing situation like that.
She claims that none of her warnings got through to her daughter, though, and she actually just got ignored.

morrowlight – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
In turn, when her daughter got her time of the month again last week, she decided to teach her child a lesson in a seriously cruel way.
First, she picked out her daughter’s outfit for the day and allowed her to wear white pants to school. And, as we all know, white pants during your time of the month are a seriously dangerous gamble.
“But I wanted to see if she would clean up after herself so that the pants would be clean when she came back home,” she noted.
Well, before she could even drop her daughter off at school that morning, she noticed that the back of the white pants was completely red.
Rather than stepping in and helping her child out as a mother, though, she decided to just stay completely silent and allowed her daughter to walk into school like it was any old day.
Apparently, she believed that her daughter “needed to learn” how these sorts of situations would eventually impact her social life if she “continued to live like a slob.”
But, if you could not have guessed it, her daughter just had the absolute worst day at school ever. Apparently, the other children were ruthless– mocking her daughter for the red on her pants and the strong odor of blood. And all of that caused her daughter to return home in utter tears.
Now, she claims that seeing her daughter become upset really hurt her. However, she reasoned that it was necessary in order for changes to be realized around her home.
Then, following the incessant bullying, her daughter reportedly took really good care of herself for the rest of the week.
She claims that there were no more blood stains on her daughter’s clothes. Her daughter also showered herself regularly and applied perfume to “maintain a flowery scent.”
So, she ended up believing that her tactic really worked. Her husband, on the hand, had an entirely different perspective.
In fact, she and her husband ended up getting into a massive fight– in which he called her a bunch of “very hurtful” words. He also accused her of handling the situation really poorly and claimed that their daughter would have to deal with bullying for the rest of the school year because of her.
Even after being told off by her husband, though, she still just does not see the error of her actions!
“I see it as a life lesson. And it actually yields results unlike my husband’s soft approach,” she added.
Nonetheless, with her and her husband still arguing over the situation, she has been left wondering if allowing her daughter to go to school in blood-soaked pants to teach a lesson was a really cruel thing to do or not.
Were you ever the victim of school bullying while navigating puberty? Isn’t it important for teens to have parents who they can lean on, not be bullies at home? Do you think her husband is right about how cruel her “lesson” was? How could she have taught her daughter the same lesson without humiliating her?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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