She Has The Same Birthday As Her Maid Of Honor And Plans To Get Married The Day After Their Birthdays, But She Expected Her Maid Of Honor To Give Up Celebrating Their Birthday With Their Husband To Be With Her The Entire Day Before Her Wedding

This thirty-three-year-old woman and her fiancé, who is twenty-nine, are set to get married in August. And coincidentally, she and her fiancé share the same birthday– so their wedding is the day afterward.
Plus, even her maid of honor, who is twenty-five, has the exact same birthday as she and her fiancé! What are the odds?
Anyway, because of that, she decided to ask her maid of honor to celebrate with her the day before the wedding.
More specifically, she suggested that her maid of honor join her and her fiancé’s family for lunch. Then, she asked that her friend help her prepare for the wedding day– even though her requests might have been a bit overboard.
“I asked that she share a hotel room with me the night before, so she can be there for me from the moment I wake up to support and calm me,” she revealed.
Now, her maid of honor did agree to stay in the hotel room with her the night before her big day. However, her friend was apparently “a bit vague” about the lunch suggestion and admitted to not knowing if she would have other plans.
That whole discussion also took place a few weeks ago. But, just yesterday, her maid of honor’s husband reportedly messaged her and revealed that there would be a much different pre-wedding plan.
In fact, her friend’s husband actually organized a whole romantic day out for her friend’s birthday– which will end with a concert.
So, her friend’s husband wanted to let her know in advance since the entire day was a surprise. That way, she could plan for her maid of honor’s absence the day before the wedding and also not spoil the birthday plan for her friend.

romankosolapov – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Perhaps shockingly, though, she was beyond pissed off at her maid of honor’s husband and even admitted to becoming a bit “sharp” with him.
First, she told him that it was really inconsiderate to book something for her maid of honor the day before her wedding– especially when he knew that her friend had responsibilities.
Her maid of honor’s husband was not taking the pushback, though, and proceeded to call her out for being way too overbearing and controlling.
“He told me I was a ‘crazy bridezilla’ if I thought I was going to make [my maid of honor] do ‘slave labor’ on her birthday,” she recalled.
Honestly, though, she just does not get his point and claims that her maid of honor is actually just great at organizing events and loves to help out. So, she believes that her friend did not see the situation the same way.
Regardless, her maid of honor’s husband ended up claiming that if her friend wanted to go back to her hotel room after the birthday concert, then he would not stop her.
But, he made it clear that there was no way she would get to have her maid of honor for the full day before her wedding.
So, following that text argument, she decided to go to another one of her bridesmaids, who is twenty-nine, to vent about the situation.
To her surprise, though, that bridesmaid also agreed with her maid of honor’s husband and claimed that she needed to let her maid of honor go off and enjoy her birthday.
But, quite frankly, she told the bridesmaid about how she was just annoyed that her maid of honor’s husband did not ask permission or if “she could spare” her maid of honor.
“He had just told me she was not going to be available,” she noted.
On top of that, she is pretty hurt that her maid of honor’s husband did not offer her his concert ticket– because she figured that if her maid of honor was going to the concert, then she should also get to go and enjoy a fun evening with her before the wedding.
It appears that her bridezilla behavior was recognized by the rest of her bridal party soon after she spoke to that other bridesmaid, though, because word got out about how she treated her maid of honor’s husband. Moreover, how she expected her maid of honor’s husband to give up his concert ticket.
So, ever since then, she has been receiving “hateful messages” from her other bridesmaids and friends– claiming that she cannot just behave and treat people that way.
“But all I want is to spend the day before my wedding with my maid of honor,” she vented.
Nonetheless, everyone’s comments have started to get to her, and she has now been left wondering if believing that her maid of honor should miss their birthday to spend the day before her wedding with her makes her a real jerk.
Why do you think she expects her maid of honor not to celebrate their own birthday but be there to celebrate hers? Isn’t her maid of honor already doing enough to help out with her big day? Can you believe that she expected her maid of honor’s husband to give up his concert ticket after planning that entire romantic day for her friend? If you were in her maid of honor’s shoes and found out about all of this, how would you feel?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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