His Family Would Not Stop Making Comments About What They Wanted For Christmas Because His Fiancé Is Wealthy, So He And His Fiancé Ended Up Flying Home Early And Giving Them No Gifts At All

deagreez - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
deagreez - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

In 2019, this thirty-five-year-old man took a trip to Mexico right before the COVID-19 pandemic. And while on vacation, he ended up meeting his now-fiancé, who is a fifty-two-year-old man.

So, if you could not have guessed, they immediately hit it off and fell head over heels for each other. Afterward, his then-boyfriend even asked him to relocate to Mexico before the pandemic travel restrictions took effect so they could be together.

“I have been living outside of the U.S. ever since. I have not been able to come back to visit until recently,” he revealed.

Now, his family back in the states is quite large– consisting of his mother, father, three siblings and their spouses, and a whopping twelve nieces and nephews. That is not the only difference he and his fiancé have in regard to family, though.

Apparently, he grew up as part of the lower-middle class; meanwhile, his fiancé was raised in a pretty wealthy family– which has caused some issues recently.

Before we get ahead of ourselves, though, his fiancé reportedly proposed to him back in July. So, since his fiancé had never gotten to meet his family yet, they decided to visit his family for Christmas in the U.S. this holiday season.

And in preparation for the big meeting, his fiancé decided to go all-out on Christmas presents for everyone in his entire family. But his family apparently had no clue that his fiancé had done that.

So anyway, after they flew to the states, he and his fiancé went to his sister’s house for a weekly family dinner on the Sunday before Christmas.

And he claims that as soon as they walked through the door, his entire family– including the kids– started making not-so-subtle remarks about all of the nice and expensive items they wanted for Christmas.

deagreez – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“Think designer merchandise or expensive toys,” he noted.

Then, his sister and brother-in-law even began showing him and his fiancé a bunch of different homes that they would never be able to afford without financial help.

So, after a while, it became clear what his family was trying to do. But, the last straw for him was after one more family member commented about how they would love it if Santa brought them a brand-new Escalade for Christmas since their current car was too small for their family.

After that, he just could not take the passive-aggressive comments anymore and finally decided to tell his family off.

First, he shouted about how his fiancé was not his family’s personal ATM. Then, he pointed out how rude it was to assume that his fiancé, who they had all just met, would drop a ton of money on them right out the gate.

His family clearly did not understand how horrible their comments were, though, and instead just tried to flip the situation on him.

In fact, they called him a ton of different names and even accused him of being entitled, selfish, and a gold digger!

So, he and his fiancé ended up leaving his sister’s house early, flying out of the United States, and returning home for the holidays. But they still had to figure out what to do with all of the gifts his fiancé bought.

In the end, they ultimately regifted some of the items. Then, the remaining presents were returned.

Ever since the whole Christmas incident, though, the drama has continued. Apparently, his family has since begun messaging him on Facebook and Snapchat about how they were “just joking.” So, they are claiming that his lack of a sense of humor ruined the holidays for the children.

“I have not responded to any of them,” he said.

Despite feeling like his family was trying to take advantage of his fiancé, though, his fiancé actually has a different perspective on the situation. In fact, his fiancé admitted to understanding why he was upset, but his fiancé also pointed out how he was used to people acting like that around him.

So, his fiancé ultimately believes that they should have just given everyone in his family their Christmas gifts. And then, if they did not appreciate that effort, then “tough on them.”

Anyway, now, since hearing his fiancé’s take on the incident, he has been left questioning his actions and wondering if canceling Christmas after his family kept making comments about his fiancé’s finances was the right thing to do or not.

Is it ever okay to make “subtle remarks” like that about a family member’s or future in-laws’ finances? Is it understandable why he got so upset with his family? What do you think about his fiancé’s perspective on the incident? If you had been in his shoes, would you have flown home for the holidays, too?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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