16 Years Ago Her Brother Stole Money From Her And She Still Has No Interest In Forgiving Him, So Her Family Thinks She’s Heartless

Natalia Chircova - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Natalia Chircova - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 33-year-old woman has a brother named Dan, who is 3 years older than she is. From the beginning, she and Dan never got along well, and she never could figure out why.

But then, Dan did something to her when she was teenager that she still thinks is unforgivable 16 years after the fact.

Growing up was rough on her and on Dan. Her mom raised them all alone, as their dad was serving a very lengthy prison sentence.

Her dad was locked up until she was 17, and to make ends meet, her mom held down 2 different jobs.

Her mom worked as a lunch lady, and she also worked in housekeeping, but even though she had 2 jobs, they never had any money.

“As soon as I turned 16, I got a job working in retail to contribute to the household and hopefully save up for university,” she explained.

“I was starting to save up quite a sizable amount of money after a year. In that same year, Dan got one of his coworkers pregnant. Shortly after she gave birth, she was hospitalized multiple times with post-partum psychosis and eventually lost all custody of the baby.”

Dan was given full custody of his baby, which made their apartment even more cramped after the baby moved in with them.

Dan constantly complained to her about how he had to move out and find an apartment for just him and his baby, but he couldn’t afford to do that.

Natalia Chircova – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Dan’s job only paid him minimum wage, and after he was done paying for everything his baby needed, he had no money left over.

“When I was 17, Dan stole my debit card and bank details and withdrew all of my savings, which was around £2K (about $2,400),” she said.

“He put my debit card back in my wallet and then left the house with the baby and moved in with his new girlfriend.”

“I felt so betrayed that he would just take something that I worked so hard for. My mum told me I was forbidden from going to the police about it and told me to just let it go, as Dan is struggling and needed it.”

When it came time for her to go to college, luckily, her dad stepped in to help her out financially, but to be honest, she has not said a single word to Dan after he stole her money.

In the 16 years since that happened, Dan has never once reached out to say sorry or to say anything else to her.

Then, a week ago, her mom invited her out to dinner, and her mom also invited Dan, which she found out about.

She didn’t appreciate her mom being so sneaky about it all, and she informed her mom that she has no interest in being around Dan.

“Dan told me I need to grow up, and I can’t hold a grudge over this forever,” she continued. “It was such a long time ago, and he was young and desperate, and he’s still my brother. He said it’s only money, and I shouldn’t be so materialistic.”

“I told him it’s the principle of it, that I’m his little sister, and he stole something significant from me. He said I’m dramatizing the situation and that he was in a rough patch, and surely I could understand why he did it.”

The only person in her family who supports her not wanting to forgive Dan is her dad, while everyone else thinks she’s heartless.

She’s left wondering if it’s wrong of her not to want to leave what Dan did to her in the past and move on.

What do you think; if your sibling did this to you as a kid, would you be able to find the room in your heart to forgive them?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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