
She Agreed To Pay For Her Daughter’s College Education But Couldn’t Afford Her Chosen School’s Tuition Anymore, So Her Daughter Stopped Taking Classes, And Now She Wants To Cut Off All Other Financial Support

Liubov Levytska - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 42-year-old woman has three children. But, her oldest daughter, who is 20, moved to a different city to attend college in 2021.

Now, she claims that her daughter got accepted into a school she really wanted to go to. And at first, she wanted to support her daughter’s higher education.

So, she ultimately agreed to pay the tuition and put her daughter through school. She also covered all of her daughter’s moving costs and provided extra funds for her daughter to purchase necessities and go out to eat during freshman year.

Eventually, though, the school that her daughter initially chose wound up being too expensive for her to afford.

“And none of the private loans would go through to pay for school– it’s based on her credit and mine– and her federal loans wouldn’t cover enough of it, either,” she explained.

So, her daughter was not able to go back to school for her sophomore year since her daughter did not have enough money to pay for it.

Since then, her daughter has reportedly been working on transferring to a cheaper school to finish her degree.

But it has been nearly two whole semesters since her daughter stopped going to classes, and she is angry that her daughter is not back in school yet.

Although, it appears that she is most upset about the fact that she is still paying for her daughter’s living expenses.

Liubov Levytska – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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