She’s About To Inherit $1.5 Million Dollars, And Her Fiancé Is Very Concerned This Will Change Things In Their Relationship

luengo_ua - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
luengo_ua - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 34-year-old woman is currently engaged to a 28-year-old guy, and there’s one thing in their relationship that’s causing some tension between them: her inheritance.

She’s going to be getting approximately $1.5 million dollars soon, and this is really causing concern with her fiancé.

He’s honestly worried that the money will change the way their relationship is going, and she believes that’s because he didn’t grow up with money at all.

“A little background: he grew up in extreme poverty,” she explained. “He wouldn’t eat unless it was school breakfast and lunch, and then he’d go to bed hungry.”

“His father was in jail, and his mother left him and his brother when they were preteens in a home by themselves for months. At one point, the power got shut off.”

“I grew up the complete opposite. I pretty much got anything I wanted. My first car at 16 was an Audi. I would like to think it didn’t make me a brat. I feel I grew up being a kind and empathetic person.”

One thing she did work at, though, was college, and she’s proud to earn a salary of $70,000 a year because of her hard work back then.

In contrast, her fiancé earns $40,000 annually, though he does have his own business.

Throughout the course of her relationship with her fiancé, they had a running joke that she was “his sugar mama” due to her outearning him and being older by a couple of years.

luengo_ua – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Coming into $1.5 million dollars, however, is leaving her fiancé feeling like he’s some kind of “charity case” for her.

In an effort to make him feel better, she suggested taking some of her inheritance and investing it into his company; that way, he could look at it as money they share instead of money that only belong to her, but that made him feel even worse.

Their wedding is happening this May, and her mom made her fiancé sign a prenup to protect her inheritance; just a little more context here.

She’s left struggling with how she can get her fiancé to see that she really is in love with him, and her intheritance won’t impact their relationship at all.

Do you have any suggestions?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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