
Her Boyfriend Said That He Was Happy To Pay Her To Stay Home While She Finishes Her Degree, But She’s Not Sure That She’s Comfortable With That - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Let’s say you’re a student who is also in a committed relationship and has had horrible job experiences.

How would you react if your partner offered to pay you to help do some chores around the house while you finish getting your degree instead of looking for another job? Would you feel smothered or supported?

One 28-year-old woman is going through this with her boyfriend, who believes she should focus solely on getting her degree instead of trying to balance it with working an awful part-time job. He’s even willing to financially support her until she finishes school.

For context, she’s been dating her 37-year-old boyfriend for two years. He’s been a great supporter and stabilizer for her through some really hard times.

She’s in the middle of trying to get her bachelor’s degree and has been working a mentally draining part-time job in the meantime. 

She recently quit that job, stating that she was treated incredibly poorly during her time there and that it was destroying her mental health, making it nearly impossible to focus on school.

Her boyfriend, who she often stays with at his house, has seen her struggling to finish school and knows how much easier her life will be when she finally gets her degree, which will take at least six more months. So, he proposed a unique proposition to her to help her out.

“He said as long as I finish my degree and help him with his chores, he would pay for all my bills so that I don‘t need to get a job until my degree is finished,” she explained.

“He said he wants to give me the safety I never had to finally put this to an end and get this weight off my shoulders.” – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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