
Her Sister Set Her Up On A Secret Blind Date, So She Went Out Of Her Way To Make The Evening Awkward, And Now Her Sister Is Angry With Her For Not Being Nicer

Kaspars Grinvalds - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 25-year-old woman admits having a boyfriend has never been for her because she doesn’t think that being in a relationship sounds exciting or enjoyable at all.

Also, she’s currently in grad school and works a job on top of that, so she really is quite busy with what she has on her plate, and she also thinks being by herself is fun.

She has a social life and a dog, and that’s good enough for her. She likes her life just the way it is and doesn’t need a man to make her happy.

Although she’s perfectly content with how her life is, loveless and all, her family finds her strange for not wanting to be in a relationship.

And, now that her little brother has tied the knot, her family has really been putting the pressure on her to settle down too.

“My older sister’s husband has been offering to set me up for years because I’m “too hot” to stay single, whatever that means,” she explained.

“I’ve always tried to refuse politely, but it’s wearing thin. I was home visiting my parents this weekend, and my sister invited me out to dinner at a new restaurant. It was an upscale place, so she said to wear something nice.”

She had no reason to believe that anyone else would be joining them for dinner, so imagine her shock when her sister and brother-in-law arrived to pick her up in their car, and there was a man she didn’t know sitting there with them.

This stranger informed her that his name was Joe, and he was friends with her brother-in-law. She figured it was certainly an awkward situation but a believable one.

Kaspars Grinvalds – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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