
She Doesn’t Want Her Or Her Kids To Attend Her Stepdaughter’s Housewarming Party Because Her Stepdaughter Doesn’t Feel That They Are Her Family And Has No Photos Of Them Hanging Up In Her House

ALEXSTUDIO - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It can take years for a child to warm up to their new step-parent. Sometimes, the step-parent and step-kid relationship never reaches its full potential for several reasons. 

One woman is feeling hurt after noticing that her stepdaughter didn’t hang up one photo of her half-siblings out of dozens in her new home.

She and her husband have a blended family. He had an eight-year-old daughter from a previous marriage, and she had a baby boy from a previous marriage. After getting married, they had three more kids, ages ranging from four to seven.

She’s had a tough time building a relationship with her stepdaughter, as she had a rough childhood. Her husband and stepdaughter’s mom divorced when she was eight. Then, her mom died not much later. 

“My husband and I had talked about marrying before she died, and we delayed it for a couple of years to allow my stepdaughter time to grieve and adjust to the changes in her life,” she recalled.

“We knew a child who lost someone so close would need extra help.”

Her stepdaughter is now 20-years-old. She had hoped that over the years, as her stepdaughter got older, she’d feel closer to their new family. However, her stepdaughter was never very close with her siblings and never got too involved with them. 

Recently, her stepdaughter and her boyfriend moved into a house together and have been planning to host a housewarming party. She went to the house with her kids to help her finish setting up her dining room. 

As she walked around the house, she noticed that her stepdaughter and her boyfriend had hung up many photos around their house. There were some of her stepdaughter’s birth parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, etc.

ALEXSTUDIO – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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