
He Put A Tracker On His 5-Month-Old Daughter’s Baby Carrier, But His Wife Thinks They Need To Inform Their Family

So, he decided to fill his wife in– letting her know that his sister and daughter had just left and gotten on the highway. But to his surprise, his wife was shocked and taken aback. She asked how he knew where their daughter was, and he reminded her about the AirTag.

Now, he claims that his wife has memory issues.

“So there are times where we have full-blown conversations, and she doesn’t remember having them– especially during the pregnancy and afterward, no matter what it’s about,” he said.

And it turned out that his wife had no recollection of him ever telling her about the AirTag on their baby’s carrier.

This ultimately resulted in him spending a lot of time trying to convince his wife that they definitely had the conversation various times. And eventually, he was able to convince her that he was telling the truth.

After she finally believed him, though, his wife began insisting that they inform her family about the tracker. However, he has a huge problem with this– because if his mother-in-law finds out, he knows she will just use a different baby carrier and other baby items to avoid being tracked.

So, he really doesn’t want to tell anyone else and risk not being able to track his baby’s whereabouts anymore. His wife simply disagrees, though, and has been pretty angry with him ever since.

And now, he’s wondering whether putting a tracker on his daughter’s baby carrier was the wrong thing to do in the first place.

Is it understandable why he wants to know where his infant is at all times? Why do you think his wife doesn’t feel the same way? How would you handle this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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