
Her Boyfriend’s ADHD Has Left Her Feeling Burnt Out In Their Relationship And She’s Not Sure How She Can Begin To Help Him

Teodor Lazarev - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 27-year-old girl has a boyfriend who is 25, and he has been diagnosed with ADHD. Despite his diagnosis and the fact that his insurance company will cover medication and therapy, her boyfriend refuses to seek help.

Her boyfriend is struggling to search for a job, let alone keep one because he says working never provides him with “enough dopamine.”

Her boyfriend will also say he’s looking to be rich, and he constantly comes up with “schemes” on how to make crazy money, but they never pan out.

“He can’t clean his room, a family member sends him money, so he helps them with something that takes 5-7 days out of the month (all online),” she explained.

“And even though it’s not nearly enough, he thinks it’s fine; he has to pay child support (which I’ve been paying) and likes to eat expensive food; if I don’t buy, then he doesn’t eat at all and lives off instant ramen.”

Her boyfriend will constantly blame his inability to do something on his ADHD. He will also make claims that he feels paralyzed or can’t accomplish something because it does not provide him with dopamine.

Additionally, her boyfriend gets super fixated on video games to the point where that’s what he spends most of his time doing if he’s not glued to her side.

She does believe that her boyfriend is trying his very best, and he has wonderful intentions and a good heart, but it’s not enough.

“I feel so terrible writing this because he says I’m the one that understands him, I’ve been reading a lot, I’m trying, but I feel burnt out,” she said.

Teodor Lazarev – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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