
She Asked Her Roommate To Leave Their Dorm Room When She Was Woken Up By Her Sobbing Over Her Boyfriend

After trying to comfort Donna for a while, she looked at the clock and saw that it was 2:30 am. She suggested to Donna that they both go to sleep and that she might feel better by the morning.

But Donna was unable to calm down, still sobbing and weeping. Donna looked at her like she was insane for suggesting she go to bed. 

She considered going to a friend’s dorm room to sleep in for the night, but they all lived in buildings further away, and she didn’t feel comfortable walking around by herself so late at night.

Since it looked like Donna wouldn’t be calming down anytime soon, she gently asked her if she would please leave the room for a bit to cool off so she could get some sleep. But, once again, Donna looked at her as though she was crazy and kept crying.

Once again, she suggested as politely as possible that Donna goes to the bathroom or the laundry room for a bit, and this time, Donna didn’t say anything. 

“Finally, she just got up without looking at me and stomped out,” she remembered. 

“I just went back to sleep. When I woke up for my midterm, she was back in her bed and sleeping, but since then, she’s hardly said a word to me.”

Was she wrong for asking Donna to leave?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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