
She Was Recently Kicked Out Of Her College Friend’s Bridal Party, And She’s Struggling To Understand Exactly Why

“I had spent a significant amount of money on the bachelorette weekend and bridal shower gifts, and I was the only bridesmaid who was cut.”

She asked the bride why she was being cut from the bridal party, and she first told her it was because she had to “downsize” her wedding party. However, she found that hard to believe, considering she was the only one cut. 

Then, her friend did mention that her tardiness and poor time management skills were stressing her out. 

She apologized to her friend and promised she’d be better about her time management and would certainly be on time for the wedding, but her friend still didn’t want her as a bridesmaid anymore. 

Now, she’s considering not attending the wedding at all. 

Should she respect her friend’s decision and still go to the wedding as a guest or not go at all?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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