
He Gets Hit On Pretty Much Every Single Time That He Goes Out, And He’s Starting To Feel Overwhelmed By All Of The Attention He’s Attracting

Andrii - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It can be scary to start getting to meet new people in the hopes of forming a romantic connection, as it’s not always that easy to just be yourself or find someone who fits what you’re looking for.

This 31-year-old man only just started really putting himself “out there” at the start of this year. And he says that, honestly, women are really into him at this rate.

Every single time that he goes out, he pretty much gets hit on by a woman. Women will ask for his phone number on several occasions every night, so he realizes he must be doing something right.

Or, at the very least, everything is heading in the right direction for him, and he’s confident that he will perhaps be able to meet a woman he really adores in the near future.

Although everything seems to be coming up roses, he’s having a really hard time.

He’s starting to feel overwhelmed by all of the attention that he’s attracting, especially since it never seems to slow down for him.

He never gets a break from all of the crazy attention, and he’s beginning to feel that he’s shutting down over it.

“The flip side is, it’s actually just too much,” he explained. “I struggle to return the energy a lot of these women are showing me right now, even when I am genuinely attracted.”

“A part of me wants to slow down and take a break, but that seems really counterproductive.”

Andrii – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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