
His Wife Is Happy With Their Life Right Now Just The Way It Is, But He Dreams Of Having So Much More, Which He Feels Is Hurting Their Relationship

“She said she has a stable job, a husband, a house, and a dog she loves,” he recalled. “And if we have kids in the future, even better.”

While his wife is fine with where they are financially at right now, though, he really wants more. He hopes to make more money and seriously stresses himself out with finances– getting caught up in their savings, investing, and his dream of buying a nicer home.

“I also get daily Zillow updates of homes that I want to eventually buy and feel hopeless that I’ll never get it because of how fast the home prices are increasing compared to our wages,” he revealed.

So, even though his wife is content if they live in their current home for the rest of their lives, he simply is not. He realizes that he is lucky to even have a home right now. However, even at the time he purchased it, he knew this house was not where he wanted to stay for the next 30 years of his life.

And due to this disconnect in perspective, he believes his desire for more is hurting his relationship with his wife.

“Because she sees me get stressed about money, and I can get very controlling of our finances, which in turn stresses her out, too,” he vented.

So, he is honestly not sure how to handle this situation to make both himself and his wife happy.

Is it a bad thing that his wife is grateful and content with where they’re at? At the same time, does he have a right to want more? Does it sound like they need to communicate more about their future plans? Do you think they both can find a way to feel satisfied? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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