
Her Husband Feels The Most Attracted To Her When She’s At Her Heaviest, And That’s Really Ruining Her Weight Loss Journey

Despite their conversations, her husband promises that he still wants her to get healthier and lose weight for herself.

“At this crossroad, I’m torn between pursuing a healthier weight for myself and the potential impact it may have on our relationship,” she said.

She has considered trying to get down to 160 pounds, but now because of how her husband is acting, she doesn’t think it’s realistic for her to get down under 190, as it could ruin their marriage.

“How can I navigate this balance between my own health goals and my husband’s changing attraction?” she wondered.

“I deeply cherish our relationship, and I don’t want to jeopardize it, but I also want to prioritize my own well-being.”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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