
She’s Been Ghosted By Guys On 4 Different Occasions, And She’s Feeling Really Insecure And Hurt About It

“We were there for a week, and I got to be honest, I thought I was falling for him,” she explained.

“We went to Disney, went to the beach, and saw a lot of wildlife. We had a lot of fun. I paid for his flight and Disney, and at the end of it, he owed me $500, and he told me he would pay me back. One week after Florida, ghosted.”

“Fourth ghost was the other day. I matched with this guy on Hinge, and we had a lot in common and a lot to talk about. We talked for four days nonstop. We finally had a date, and he didn’t reply to my after-date text. It’s been two days since the date, and I’ve already gotten over it.”

She just feels so insecure and hurt that she’s been ghosted with such frequency. How do you think she can get over this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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