
He Caught His Wife Taking Their Son’s ADHD Medication, And He’s Deeply Concerned That She Did This

Marco - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 46-year-old man has a wife who is 41, and together, they have a son. His wife and his son have each been diagnosed with ADHD.

They both are taking medication to treat it, though they are taking different things. He’s the one who helps their son every day by giving him his medication to take.

He also makes sure that he refills their son’s medication, and he schedules follow-up visits with their son’s doctor on top of that.

“My wife is an adult and accordingly manages hers on her own with occasional help from me, like picking up from the pharmacy,” he explained.

“This morning, before the kids were awake, and she was taking her meds as we chatted. I saw her grab my son’s bottle of medication and, thinking it was on accident, informed her.”

He just pointed out to his wife that she was picking up the bottle that had their son’s medication in there instead of hers.

His wife then looked at the bottle and exclaimed that she had run out of her medication so she would have to call that day to order more.

But then, his wife proceeded to take a pill out of their son’s bottle of medication anyway and took it.

He remained as calm as he could as he asked his wife what he was supposed to do if their son then ran out of his medication early.

Marco – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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