
He Decided Not To Be A Groomsman In His Friend’s Wedding Because He Simply Could Not Afford The Bride’s Expectations

andrey - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old man has had a guy friend, who is 24, for about five years. And next month, his friend will be getting married.

So, he was asked to be one of the groomsmen. But quite frankly, he just cannot afford to do that, given his financial situation right now.

For context, the bride and groom have been dating for about two years and grew up in completely different worlds.

His friend’s fiancée, for instance, came from money and was raised by an upper-class adoptive family. That’s why the woman is friends with many people who come from the same economic class.

His friend, on the other hand, comes from a very low-income family– as does he and the rest of their friend group.

So, most of their social circle is still living paycheck to paycheck right now.

Regardless, right after his friend proposed, his friend’s fiancée decided that the wedding would happen within six months.

“Despite everyone around them trying to suggest giving more time to plan and have everything in place,” he said.

And to be clear, this wedding will not be a small event, either. Instead, his friend is actually having a destination wedding with about 250 people on the guest list!

andrey – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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