Her Boyfriend Of Eight Years Admitted He Thinks His Ex Is His Soulmate, Not Her

This 43-year-old woman and her boyfriend, who is 39, have been together for nearly eight years. Since starting their relationship, they have accomplished a lot together.
She and her boyfriend have moved in together, raised her child, and even welcomed a child of their own. Now, they are also trying for a second baby together.
On top of that, they do plan to get married and buy a home together– even though her boyfriend has not really gotten the ball rolling on that yet.
“He talks about it all the time, but my ring finger has cobwebs,” she joked.
However, her boyfriend had two girlfriends before they started going out. She claimed that ever since they began dating, her boyfriend’s family has never failed to bring up his first ex-girlfriend anytime they get together.
To make matters worse, her boyfriend’s family even keeps pictures of him and his ex in the family photo albums!
Now, when they first began dating, her boyfriend assured her that he did not have any lingering feelings for his ex-girlfriend. He also claimed that it had been years since he’d even seen his ex.
“It came up because she happens to be his best friend’s sister,” she clarified.
Anyway, after her boyfriend swore there was nothing left there, she never really let his family see that the constant ex-girlfriend references bothered her.

ID 280785800 – © Lepasik – Dreamstime.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
But, just a few days ago, that changed while she was watching the reality TV show “90 Day Fiancé.”
Apparently, at one point during an episode, one of the women on the show told her fiancé that she did not really think he was her soulmate. The woman also expected her fiancé to just accept that and marry her anyway.
Honestly, she thought that was pretty absurd, too. That’s why she wound up broaching the topic with her boyfriend– explaining the situation on the reality show and talking about how crazy she thought it was.
To her total surprise, though, her boyfriend did not think it was nearly as wild as she did. In fact, he wound up dropping his own bomb on her and revealing how he didn’t think she was his soulmate.
Instead, his boyfriend admitted to thinking that his first ex-girlfriend was actually his true soulmate.
“It was like a punch to my gut, to say the least,” she recalled.
She did not hesitate to tell her boyfriend how shocking that news was. Then, the next day, he apologized to her.
Regardless, the apology did not really make finding out about his true feelings any better.
She actually wound up telling her boyfriend that the fact he doesn’t think of her as his soulmate just changed everything for her.
So, she no longer wants to try for a second baby, and her first instinct is to end the relationship in order to save herself from future heartache.
“I’m just heartbroken and in shock. If I had known about this eight years ago, I would have never invested my time,” she vented.
“I feel lost now.”
Still, before she officially cuts things off, she’s trying to figure out whether she is overreacting and should stick it out or if she is right about this being a major red flag and should just cut her losses now.
How would you feel if your partner admitted you weren’t their soulmate? Would you still want to tie the knot and have kids with them? Is she overreacting, or do you think she should end her relationship?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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