Her Boyfriend Overslept And Missed Their Anniversary Lunch, But Then He Didn’t Pay For Their Rescheduled Anniversary Dinner Or Buy Her A Gift

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 20-year-old woman and her 21-year-old boyfriend have now been dating for about nine months. But, back when they crossed the six-month threshold, they decided to celebrate their anniversary.

A week before their anniversary, her boyfriend reached out and asked if she wanted to get lunch to celebrate. And she immediately said yes, partly because her boyfriend never really takes her out on dates anymore.

To her complete disappointment, though, the lunch never happened. Her boyfriend actually slept in, and they missed out on their date.

And she was understandably pretty upset about it. That’s why she confronted her boyfriend, and he ultimately asked if she just wanted to go out to dinner instead.

She was okay with that, too, since it still felt like they were going to get to celebrate the relationship milestone.

So, they went out and had a great time. But by the time the bill came at the end of their meal, the waiter asked if they wanted to pay together or split the check.

She then waited for her boyfriend to answer the waiter, but five agonizing seconds passed by, and the silence was extremely awkward.

“I couldn’t handle the silence anymore, so I just, out of frustration, said that we were going to pay separately,” she recalled.

Now, she would not normally do that. Instead, she would actually just pay for both herself and her boyfriend because she really doesn’t like to split bills.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Instead, she believes that partners should take turns in relationships– sometimes paying for each other. She told her boyfriend about her perspective when they first started dating, too.

Regardless, next came the gift exchange. Well, lack thereof.

She got her boyfriend a very thoughtful anniversary present, gifting him tickets to see a movie directed by his favorite movie director. But her boyfriend didn’t give her any presents, even after he failed to pay for their dinner.

“I maybe didn’t make it clear that the movie date was his gift, and that’s my bad,” she admitted.

“But I feel like now it’s kind of awkward if I tell him that’s a gift, and I expect something back.”

And aside from just the botched anniversary celebration, she just feels like her boyfriend doesn’t try in general anymore.

Back when they first started dating, he was reportedly very different– buying her flowers and gifts often.

She did the same thing for her boyfriend, too, and still does whenever she sees something that she knows he would like.

What happened on their anniversary was especially upsetting for her since she also told her boyfriend how important anniversaries were to her when they first started dating.

According to her, neither of them is struggling financially either. Her boyfriend currently works full-time during the summer months and works part-time while he goes to school.

At the same time, she is living at home while completing her studies– so she can also afford to treat her boyfriend.

Nonetheless, she is feeling worried about bringing up the anniversary situation since she just thinks it will be awkward.

So now, she’s been left wondering how to broach the no-gift topic without feeling stingy. She’s also not sure if she even has a right to be upset in the first place.

How would you feel if your boyfriend slept through your anniversary date, didn’t pay for the rescheduled meal, and also did not get you a present? Does she have a right to be upset? How should she address the situation with her boyfriend?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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