Her Brother Got Upset With Her For The Way She Got The Little Girl She Was Babysitting To Fall Asleep

If you’re a parent or have ever babysat young kids, you’ll know that sometimes you have to get creative to get them to fall asleep.
One teenager recently was scolded by her brother for the way she got her family friend’s foster child to fall asleep while she was babysitting her.
She’s 18-years-old and frequently babysits the foster child of her mom’s good friend. The girl is eight and has a complicated past, so her foster mom only trusts her close friends to babysit her.
It’s not uncommon for her to babysit this girl multiple nights a week or overnight.
The other night, the little girl was at her house so she could babysit her overnight. It was her first time there in three months, and they’d be sharing a room, so the little girl was very excited.
“This is no biggie usually,” she explained.
“[We’ve] done it before, and it’s fine. But this night, she was especially rowdy, and I was catching on that she wasn’t sleeping because me being there was too exciting.”
The little girl was still awake at 4:00 am that night, and she was beginning to feel frustrated and exhausted. Although the girl kept saying she was tired, she refused to fall asleep.
So, she figured it would be best to leave the room to not distract her anymore. She told the little girl she would take a quick shower and left her in her bedroom.

DariaTrofimova – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child
She went to the bathroom that was right next to her room and let the water run for a while before returning to her room to find the little girl fast asleep.
She was happy to see the problem was solved, and they both slept through the night. The little girl seemed to be in great spirits the next morning. However, when she told her older brother how she got the little girl to go to bed, he became angry.
“He was very upset and shocked that I did that,” she recalled.
“He said I lied to her and abandoned her and that I can’t do that to a kid with trauma like hers. She didn’t seem upset in the morning, and she never called me back to the room. I would’ve come right back if she had. Plus, the door was unlocked if she really needed something.”
She doesn’t think what she did was a big deal, but her brother strongly begs to differ. He said she betrayed the trust of the child, her mom, and their mom.
She thinks her brother’s judgment stems from jealousy. When their mom’s friend first started bringing her foster daughter around, he babysat her too, and he was her favorite. But over time, things changed, and the little girl began choosing her over him.
Was she wrong to pretend to take a shower while babysitting, or was her brother overreacting?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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