
Her Friends Abandoned Her While She Was Battling Cancer And Have Suddenly Returned To Her Life Now That She’s Finished Treatment

javiindy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

People say you know you have good friends when they stick by you through some of your lowest moments in life.

Most of one woman’s friends abandoned her while she was battling breast cancer and have suddenly returned to her life now that she’s finished treatment and feeling better.

She’s 35-years-old and was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer last year. When she was first diagnosed, she had a solid group of supportive friends who were there for her not long after she got the scary news.

But over time, she started hearing from her friends less and less. Anytime she tried to get together with them, there was always some excuse for why they couldn’t see her.

“It was very emotionally and mentally hard for me to feel abandoned by the people I thought cared about me, especially after everything I did for them,” she said. 

“I was there for them.”

Thankfully, one of her girlfriends has been very loyal and stood by her while she got treatment. She’s been extra diligent in making sure her friend knows how appreciated she is.

She’s also beginning to feel a lot better after having surgery at the end of last year and completing chemotherapy treatments one month ago.

She feels more energetic, her appetite is back, and she’s even been able to participate in a few outdoor activities.

javiindy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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