Her Sister Brought A Service Dog To Her Wedding And Felt Left Out Because Her Mother-In-Law Is Allergic To Dogs

vladi_mir - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
vladi_mir - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman’s sister has some heart problems. So, her sister got a service dog and just recently finished training the pup.

But, this became a major issue for her wedding two weeks ago because her mother-in-law just so happened to be severely allergic to dogs.

After being around canines, her mother-in-law has trouble breathing and suffers several other reactions. However, she really wanted to have both her mother-in-law and sister at her wedding– which meant she had to deal with the allergy issue.

She knew that her sister could not attend without the service dog, either. So, she wound up talking to her sister and trying to make some adjustments to both the ceremony and the party.

“I made a commitment: my sister would not sit in the first row– the row of parents and siblings– but a little further away. And her table at the party would be further away, too,” she explained.

“There was a table for her parents and one for siblings. She would be at the siblings’ table.”

And thankfully, her mother-in-law actually was not going to stay long at the reception. So, about an hour into the party– after the mother-son dance– her mother-in-law would be leaving.

Then, she knew that all allergy threats would be gone, and her sister would be able to just enjoy the party as usual.

She reasoned that this arrangement was her attempt to put a limitation on allergy proximity while trying to make everyone comfortable.

vladi_mir – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“Because just as she is my sister, my mother-in-law is my husband’s mother,” she said.

Once she actually told all of this to her sister, though, her sister apparently did not look too happy. Still, at the time, her sister understood that she was in a predicament and simply accepted her solution.

Anyway, her wedding then happened, and the entire day was wonderful. But while her sister was there for the ceremony, she later found out that her sister opted not to stay at the reception– even though her mother-in-law had only stayed for one hour.

So, after she returned home from her honeymoon, she decided to give her sister a call. And at that point, she got accused of making her sister feel bad and left out at her wedding for having to bring the service dog.

On top of that, her sister claimed that she just preferred to make her own sister totally uncomfortable for the sake of her mother-in-law.

“I don’t think it was that because it was a health issue, and I tried to compromise,” she vented.

“But, I don’t know. My family is a bit divided.”

So now, in the wake of her wedding, she’s been left wondering whether causing her sister to feel left at the event out really made her a jerk.

Does it sound like she tried her best to accommodate both her sister and her mother-in-law? What more could she have done? Why do you think her sister wasn’t more understanding? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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