His Girlfriend Dumped Him When He Was In The Middle Of Having A Heart Attack And Didn’t Want To Take Him To The Hospital Because She Had A Nail Appointment

This 27-year-old guy had been dating his girlfriend, who is 26, since October. And they would hang out really often, genuinely enjoying each others’ company.
So, for the most part, everything was going wonderfully between them. Well, except for whenever the topic of getting serious was brought up.
His girlfriend always claimed that she was afraid to commit since she didn’t want to get judged by her sisters. Apparently, her sisters thought that she should keep her options open and even see other men.
This was pretty strange to him, too, since he only knew one of her sisters and spoke to his girlfriend’s other sister maybe a handful of times.
Regardless, his girlfriend would always reassure him that he made her happy. She also claimed that her parents supported their relationship and that she really wanted to be with him.
But, this past Fourth of July, it became crystal clear that his girlfriend did not really care about him.
It all began in the early morning hours when he awoke from his sleep suffering from some serious chest pains. Then, he was unable to fall back asleep.
“I assumed it was some bad acid reflux or something because of some pizza I had eaten. And I had already agreed to take my aunt to the airport that day, so despite the pain, I drove to have lunch with my aunt and cousin and dropped them off at the airport,” he recalled.
By the time he drove home, though, his chest pains started to become even worse. So, he decided to call his girlfriend to let her know what was happening.

HD92 – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
During that phone call, he also asked if she could take him to either urgent care or the emergency room.
But rather than being worried about him, he detailed how his girlfriend actually just got irritated with him. Then, she claimed that she was supposed to get her nails done and did not want to cancel her appointment!
“I pleaded with her to take me, telling her I was starting to get scared that it was something serious,” he explained.
“And she told me that I better be home within 15 minutes, or she would not take me.”
Now, his girlfriend did pick him up. But as she was bringing him to the doctor, she kept ranting about how he knew that she had a nail appointment. She also claimed that the “whole fiasco” was cutting into her gym time since she planned to work out later.
He tried to reiterate how much he needed his girlfriend’s support at the time. However, she basically just shrugged off his comments.
Anyway, he wound up getting prescribed some ibuprofen on his first visit to the doctor since they were unable to diagnose his pain correctly. And he still had a feeling that something was wrong, which was why he asked his girlfriend to stay with him at his house to make sure he was okay.
Yet, his girlfriend again got frustrated with him.
“Don’t you know it’s the Fourth of July? I have family coming over. I have to go,” she told him.
So, he went home alone to rest and tried taking some ibuprofen. But, not long afterward, he knew he needed to go back to the doctor.
At that point, he attempted to call his girlfriend over and over to see if she could drive him. However, she never answered him, and he was forced to take matters into his own hands.
More specifically, he actually drove himself to the emergency room! And it was not until he was fully admitted that his girlfriend decided to give him a callback.
Still, all she asked was why he had called so many times. Then, he detailed how he was forced to drive himself to the emergency room, was getting evaluated, and asked if she would go to be there with him.
“Not only did she tell me that she wasn’t going to come to see me because her dog was scared of the fireworks, but she also told me that she was completely done with me and over it,” he revealed.
“She explained that my actions were out of hand and that I was crazy for blowing up her phone earlier in the day. She told me that I ruined everything she had planned that day, and she couldn’t be with someone who was so needy.”
That same day, he also had various tests done and found out that he had suffered a heart attack. He was even forced to have two stents put into his right artery!
But his girlfriend still barely reached out to him when he was in the hospital. And she only asked how he was feeling after he was finally released.
Still, he has not responded, and he is not really sure what to do.
“Obviously, this is a very emotionally difficult time for me, but it’s still hard for me to let go,” he vented.
So now, he’s been left wondering whether he should officially cut ties with his girlfriend or not.
Can you believe his girlfriend acted so rudely while he was obviously in a lot of pain? How would you feel if your partner treated you like that? Do you think he needs to cut ties immediately? What would you do?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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