His Wife Lost It When He Told Her That He Let Their Girls Walk To A Local Playground By Themselves

jayzynism - stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only
jayzynism - stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only

This 40-year-old father and his 39-year-old wife, Debbie, have two daughters together, who are 8 and 7-years-old.

He and his wife typically spend their days working from home, but every once in a while, they will have to go into the office.

Since their jobs are pretty flexible, they don’t hire any daycare for their daughters when they are out of school for the summer.

Recently, while he was working at home, Debbie needed to head into the office. By the time the afternoon rolled around, his daughters were getting pretty bored of being in the house and wanted to go and play at their school’s playground.

Even though it was only 3/4 of a mile away from their home, he told them that he couldn’t take them because of the work he had to do. So, he decided that he would let them walk there and play by themselves.

Since they live near a fairly busy road with no crosswalks, he walked with them across that road before sending them on their way.

He let them take an extra cell phone with them and asked them to call him once they reached the playground and again when they were ready to come home so that he could walk across the busy road with them again.

“They made it there just fine and called [as] I asked them to,” he explained.

Around 30 minutes later, Debbie called him to ask what the girls were up to.  When he told her that they were at the school playground, she lost it, was super concerned for her children’s safety, and drove over there right away to check on them. They ended up being just fine and even made a couple of new friends at the playground.

jayzynism – stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only

Debbie gave him the silent treatment for most of that evening, but when the girls went to bed, she really expressed her frustrations toward him.

She told him that letting them walk to the playground and play by themselves was an irresponsible and unsafe thing for him to do as a parent.

“She thinks I’m putting them in danger. I think she’s [acting like] a helicopter parent,” he said.

Do you think it was wrong of him to let his young daughters have that much independence? Or do you think that Debbie is overreacting to the situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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